"My opponent left a glass of whisky 'en prise' and I took it 'en passant". - Henry Blackburne | SINCE 2007

Friday, May 28, 2010

Capt. Arthur Macaspac Wins USARMY Chess Championships.

Capt. Arthur Macaspac

Capt. Arthur Macaspac needed a little help from a few new friends to win his third crown at the 2010 All-Army Chess Championships.
In the final round of the six-day, 11-round tournament at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, ninth-place finisher Maj. Larry Cox Jr. upset top-seeded and runner-up finisher Spc. Pieta Garrett to open the door for Macaspac.
“I had already won my final game so he had a little pressure,” Macaspac described Garrett’s losing move in the most important match of the tourney. “He hung a piece - very unusual for a chess master. Instead of capturing with a queen, he captured with a rook and he left his unsupported rook possible to attack.
“I saw it unfold.”
Garrett, who finished third here last year and first in the 2009 Inter-Service Chess Championships, quickly realized that his game had gone awry.
“I had a good game and he was putting up a little bit of a fight, but I got around the obstacles and then I finally got into position where I had a big edge,” explained Garrett, 24, of Fort Polk, La. “Then he just got a simple little trick on me and I completely blundered. I dropped a simple little tactic, and after that I was dead lost.
“It just goes to show that you’re never out. I was really confident. Then I played it and my heart dropped.”
Macaspac captured his third All-Army championship with nine victories, one loss and a draw for a total of 9.5 points. Garrett (8.5) finished second, followed by Spc. Nathaniel Rockhill (7.5) of the 38th Division Band in Indianapolis, Sgt. Jhonel Baniel (7.0) of Landstuhl, Germany, Pfc. Ismael Pagan (6.5) of Fort Irwin, Calif., and Staff Sgt. Andre Paradela (6.0) of Dublin, Calif.

Bill Hook(1925-2010)

Bill Hook

Bill Hook the man who denied kenya a Gold medal in the 1982 olympiad, died recently in his home at Maryland. Hook played with the legendary Saif Kanani in the last round of the 1980 olympiad in Malta.

Hook,William (2210) – Kanani,Saif 06.12.1980

1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 c5 3.d5 Qb6 4.Nc3 d6 5.e4 Nbd7 6.Rb1 a6 7.a4 h6 8.Be3 Qb4 9.f3 Ne5 10.Bd2 Qb6 11.f4 Ng6 12.Bd3 Bg4 13.Qc1 Bd7 14.e5 dxe5 15.Bxg6 fxg6 16.fxe5 0-0-0 17.exf6 exf6 18.Nge2 Bg4 19.Be3 Bxe2 20.Kxe2 Qb4 21.Re1 Bd6 22.h3 g5 23.Kf1 g4 24.hxg4 h5 25.g5 h4 26.Bf2 h3 27.gxh3 Rxh3 28.Re4 Qa5 29.Qd1 f5 30.Rh4 Rxh4 31.Bxh4 Qb4 32.Bf2 Qf4 33.Qh5 g6 34.Qh4 Qd2 35.Re1 Bf4 36.Rd1 Bxg5 37.Rxd2 Bxh4 1-0.

Nigel Short Defeated By An Amatuer Lady In Uganda!

Nigel Short

British Grandmaster and fomer world champion contender Nigel Short lost one game in his 25 game simul in Kampala on Thursday. Short played 25 games of which he won 20, drew 4 and lost 1 to Grace Kigeni in a Siccilian Najdorf.

Short is visiting Uganda as part of the Karpov campaign to head the world chess governing body FIDE.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nigel Short To Campaign For Karpov In Uganda

After visiting Kenya a few years ago for holiday, Nigel Short will be back in East Africa to campaign for Antoly Karpov.
Nigel Short

By Douglas Mazune

THE race for the world chess governing body, FIDE Presidency has presented Ugandans with a lifetime opportunity to play against renowned British Grandmaster Nigel Short in Kampala. Nigel, who arrives today, will play exhibition games with several local players as he seeks Uganda’s vote for GM Anatoly Karpov in the election that will be held at the World Olympiad in Russia. Karpov face the incumbent president Kirsan Illumzyinhov.

A press release issued by Uganda Chess Federation (UCF) publicity Vianney Luggya said that the exhibition games are scheduled for tomorrow and Nigel will depart on Friday. Nigel, who challenged former World Champion Garry Kasparov for the world title in 1993, is regarded as the strongest British player of the 20th Century. He will be the first Grandmaster to visit Uganda and play chess with locals in the history of the game in the country. Nigel is a world acclaimed chess columnist, coach and commentator.

He has an International FIDE rating of 2685 and is ranked number 38 in the world. “His visit to Uganda is also meant to rally support for his preferred candidate GM Anatoly Karpov who is standing against Kirsan,” Luggya said. The venue for the exhibition games and the players that will be lined up against Nigel were yet to be named.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rebecca Selkirk Wins In South Africa

Rebbeca Selrik
AN EAST London schoolgirl jetted off to India on Friday to represent South Africa at an international chess tournament.Grade 11 Hudson Park High pupil Rebecca Selkirk, 16, the first Border player to receive national junior colours, will be representing South Africa at the Commonwealth Chess Tournament in Delhi . Later this year she jets off to Greece and Botswana for more international tournaments.
Her selection comes after she took part in the South African Junior Closed Tournament in Pretoria last month and walked away with second place in the under 18 girls’ section.

Speaking to the Dispatch before she left for India, Selkirk said she was happy to be given an opportunity to be part of the South African team . “It came as a surprise. I still do not believe it; especially being selected for two other tournaments later in the year,” she said. Selkirk said her love for chess had been motivated by her sister and brother who played chess at primary school. She was later encouraged by a teacher at Hudson Park Primary School, Olwyn Swart. “I carried on with it until today. I did not look back and I don’t think I will ” she said. Since December last year, the teenager has played more than 50 local and national championship games – with some lasting more than four hours.

In December, she played in the South African Individual Junior Chess Championships, where she finished sixth in the under-18 and under-20 girls’ sections. Her victory at the individual championship gained a direct invitation to the South African Closed Tournament . When Selkirk isn’t playing championship matches, she keeps herself busy with league games, coaching new players and learning new strategies to outplay opponents.

“What I like about it is that one learns new skills every day, but I always believe it just needs concentration,” she said. Border Chess Union head coach and development officer Sven Stocklose said Selkirk was the first player from Border to receive full South Africa colours . “She is a very determined, humble young lady with a never-say-die attitude, hard working and she participates in every tournament she is able to,” he said.

Stocklose said he wished her every success in the tournament in India and for the ones coming later in the year. “I am confident that she will again make us proud,” said Stocklose. Father Wayne Selkirk said the family was proud of his daughter’s achievements. “Notwithstanding her achievements, she still makes time to fulfil her responsibilities at school and at home. She deserves to be given the opportunity to represent South Africa.” Selkirk returns from India on May 21 and is expected to attend two other tournaments, in Botswana in August and the World Youth Games in Greece in October

Chess Summer

By Matt Rosse ( Oxford Times)

It was widely regarded as a mistake for Vishy Anand to agree to play BulgarianVeselin Topalov in Sofia. Last week, however, after a thrilling climax , the Indian, Anand, had won through. Exciting news is that it is widely predicted Anand’s next title defence will be against Norwegian Magnus Carlsen in London in 2012.

Chess is a full-time job for the likes of Anand, Topalov and Carlsen but for some Oxfordshire players, this weekend’s Town versus Gown match will be the last chess they play until the new season starts in October. Others will have already boxed away their pieces and will not give chess a further thought until autumn. For those who want to improve, it would be a pity not to make use of the summer break for study.

Do not presume this just means work on openings — even though such learning can bring instant results. There are many roads to improvement, and studying endings can be as important as tweaking one’s opening repertoire.

To me though, the average club player’s most glaring deficiency is in tactical ability and one of the fastest ways to improve this aspect of one’s game is to play online speed chess.
Then again, there are the games collections which populate every keen player’s shelves and which represent the other, more civilized, end of chess education.

In grandmaster Danny Gormally’s entertaining and recently published book for Everyman Chess, Play Chess like the Pros, the author notes that world-class players “have a far greater knowledge of chess culture and history”. With this in mind, a study of any of Kasparov’s My Great Predecessors series would undoubtedly improve the club player’s results.

Neil McDonald’s The Giants of Power Play is another recently published book which draws upon the works of the past masters. His earlier work Giants of Strategy had used the games of Kramnik, Karpov, Petrosian, Capablanca and Nimzowitsch. In contrast, Power Play concentrates on the more dynamic play of Topalov, Geller, Bronstein, Alekhine and Morphy. McDonald is one of my favourite chess authors and is here erudite and entertaining; but does not pitch as high as Kasparov and this book might better suit the average player. McDonald calls the following 150-year-old classic “a wonderful, if lightweight game”.

White: Paul Morphy Black: Duke of Brunswick and Count of Isouard
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 Bg4?! 4.dxe5 Bxf3 5.Qxf3 dxe5 6.Bc4 Nf6 7.Qb3! Qe7 8.Nc3 White could have grabbed a pawn with 8.Qxb7, answered by 8…Qb4+, after which Morphy would have won a long endgame and the game would have been forgotten.
8...c6 9.Bg5 b5? McDonald calls 9...b6 the ‘most solid’ of Black’s alternatives.
10.Nxb5! cxb5 11.Bxb5+ Nbd7 12.0–0–0 Rd8 13.Rxd7! Rxd7 14.Rd1 Qe6 15.Bxd7+ Nxd7 16.Qb8+! Nxb8 17.Rd8 1-0.

Angola, Potugal Sign Chess Agreement

Luanda – The Angolan Chess Federation (FAX) and its Portuguese counterpart (FPX) are expected to sign on Wednesday, in Luanda, a co-operation protocol in the training fields with Portuguese experts and exchange of experience in training centres.

This was said to ANGOP on Tuesday by the secretary-general of FAX, Abraão dos Reis.

Abraão dos Reis said that the chairman of the Portuguese Chess Federation, Jorge Antão, is in Luanda for this purpose.
The accord, whose period of validity is undetermined, will be signed before the last round of the CUCA international chess tournament that is taking place in Luanda.

Can Chess Be Solved

by rjlipton

Computers play great chess—can they play perfect chess?

Ken Thompson is one of the co-inventors of UNIX, perhaps one of the greatest programmers who ever lived, and won the 1983 Turing Award for his important work.
Today I plan on having a guest author, Ken Regan, discuss Thompson’s work on chess playing programs. It is Ken on Ken, or rather Ken on : when Ken (Regan), played at the Westfield (NJ) chess club as a teen in matches against distant clubs, he knew Ken (Thompson) not by his famous programming handle but as the “club techie” who relayed his moves by telex.

I once visited Bell Labs and spent some time talking to Ken T. on his chess program. I asked why he was doing so well—his program was winning a lot. He said his program had, probably, fewer bugs than the competition. In those early days chess programs were often buggy, and a program with a bug is likely to be a program with a chess weakness. The reason, Ken T. explained the programs were so hard to get right was simple: All chess programs looked at a huge set of positions and then generated one move. As long as the move was legal the programmer had no idea the program had made an error—unless the move led to an unexpected loss.
The rest of this is the work of Ken R., who by the way is an international master with a rating of over 2400. With, of course, lots of help from Subruk. READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Checkmates Chess Club Maybe Closed Down!!

The most famous and active chess club in Kenya, Checkmates chess club maybe closed by the end of the month.

Members of checkmates club, (Sitting) Mehul Gohil, Ben Nguku (standing from Right) Ben Magana, Githinji Hinga, Philiph Singe and Akello Atwolli.

By Githinji Hinga

I know this may round like a bad joke, but its serious as a heart attack. Downtown Pub, the home of checkmates club is set to close down in less than a fortnight from now.I had been getting subtle hints for awhile only for Willy, pub manager, to confirm this on Monday evening.We met up with George Mwangi and Willy on Tuesday lunch and agreed he should get contacts and details of the landlord, with an aim of finding out what options are available to keep the place running.

Its important to note, at this time, we got the impression that the owner,mama, had surrendered the place and was not interested.This led to a meet with the landlords' agent yesterday, with Purity,Esther and I in attendance. Basically, we were made to understand they are toying with the idea of converting the place into offices but could also entertain the idea of keeping it 'As Is' but with a new tenant and new terms. He agreed to have a more conclusive stance in our next meeting of 26th. A day after the handover and assessment of the premises.For now, that's the info I have. Looks grim but am sure we can find away out of this one. They say, many heads are better than one, now imagine many chesser heads.

Monday, May 17, 2010

From Famer To Chess Champion

ByAnupma Tripathi, Hindustan Times

Zambia has produced just one Grandmaster so far, but this little fact hasn't deterred Zambians from taking up chess and dreaming of making it big one day.
Phiri Richmond, from the Zambian capital Lusaka, is one such dreamer. He is here to participate in the Parsvnath Commonwealth Chess Championship.

Born to a family of farmers, the 22-year-old is the youngest of seven siblings. "My family grows and keeps all kind of stuff," says Richmond.
"From keeping pigs, to growing tomatoes, bananas, peas, baby corn and other vegetables."
By his own admission, coming to India and playing the Championship wouldn't have been possible, had it not been for his sponsors who spotted him at the African Ch’ship in 2006. " I finished third in the championship. Later, the Green Eagles Club approached me and I grabbed the offer," said the Zambian champion, who has an ELO rating of 2165.

There's been no looking back for Richmond. In 2006, he clinched gold at the Chess Olympiad in Turin. The African won the 'junior champion' title for two consecutive years (2007-08) and claimed the national championship in 2008.

Interestingly, none of his siblings play chess. But at this point, Richmond is quick to add, " The important thing is they don't stop me from playing either. I remember, in 2004 I was about to quit school for the love of the game. But my parents asked me to quit chess instead. They wanted me to concentrate on studies. That was a difficult experience."
He belongs to Zambia's 'Chewa' tribe, and fluent in the tribal dialect. When asked to say something in his native tongues, Richmond rattles off a line that translates into, " Wait for me. I can make it big."

Kenyan Chess Olympiad History:1980-Corrections

After i posted my article a few corrections and clarifications have emerged. Saif Kanini lost his passport and was unable to play in the first 2 rounds and on round 14 Kanini could just have skipped the round and walk away with a gold medal! for no one could surpass his 86% score. Part 2 on the 1982 olympiad will be posted this week, send your photos and comments.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kenyan Chess Olympiad History:1980

As a build up to the 39th Chess Olympiad to be held in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, Kenyan chess blog will be running a fifteen part series of articles about Kenyan chess history in the Olympiad since 1980.

PART One(1980)
By Edwin Korir


The tournament was held from 20th November to 6th December 1980 in the city of La Valletta, Malta. Malta was rewarded to host the 24th Chess Olympiad for its efforts to maintain unity and peace within the FIDE, following the successive Haifa events and the shuttle peace talks by Malta’s representative between the late Harry Golombek (UK) and Libya where the Counter Olympiad had taken place. This was the first time ever that the greatest chess-team manifestation, the 1980 Olympiad, was held in such a small state with a limited budget but nonetheless a great history. A small island in the middle of the Mediterranean with a language of its own, Malta has been participating in International Chess since the 1930’s. It welcomed Alexander Alekhine in 1935 and before World War II had already fielded two Maltese Nationals in Foreign International Events. The playing conditions at the Mediterranean Conference Center were excellent. The players were all comfortably playing in one huge hall whereas the Congress was held in the large theater under the same roof surrounded by the other smaller halls where the other Committees took place. Accommodation and transport were fairly efficient. 83 nations were represented with for the first time under the same roof Israel and Libya, USSR and China!


Saif Kanini 9.5/12

Adan Aslam 4.5/11

K Donde 1/6

Yongo 5/12

Edwin Kinyajui 4.5/11

S Oulo 0/4

The Kenyan team to the 24th chess Olympiad consisted of Saif Kanini(chessleo), Adan Aslam, Ken Yongo, Ken Donde, Edwin Kinyanjui (1st reserve) and Ken S. Oulo(2nd reserve). Kenyan chess governing body had recently been affiliated with FIDE, other countries that had recently joined include Antigua, Brunei, Egypt, Kenya, Senegal and Zimbabwe thus increasing the number of affiliated nations to 114. Saif Kanini playing on board one scored the highest position ever achieved by a Kenyan when he won silver with a score of 9.5/12. He won 9, drawed 3 and lost 1. His tournament performance rating was 2402. Kenya emerged at position 70 with a score of 14.5/56 after winning 18, drawing 13 and losing 25. The second best Kenyan was Edwin Kinyanjui at position 34 (+3=5-5), he was followed by Adan Aslam at position 59 (+2=5-4). Yongo (+4=2-6) and Donde (+1=0-5) followed. S Oulo who was second reserve scored a miserable +0=0-4.

Bobby Fishers score sheet in a previous Olympiad


The David-Goliath parings of round one was not favourable to Kenya. The top two Kenyans Saif kanini and Adan Aslam did not play in this round but were replaced by the reserves. This was due to Kanini loosing his passport on his way to Malta.

Ken Yongo(0) Myagmarsuren(1)

Peruv Yumurbator(1) Ken Donde(0)

Edwin Kinyanjui(0) Peruv Jigjidsuren(1)

Lhagua Jambaidoo(1) Ken Oulo(0)

[White "Yongo KEN"] [Black "Myagmarsuren, Lhamsuren MGL"][Result "0-1"][Date "1980.11.20"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.Nc3 exd5 5.cxd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.Nf3 Bg7 8.Bd3 O-O 9.O-O a6 10.a4 Re8 11.Re1 Nbd7 12.Bf4 Qc7 13.Qc2 Nh5 14.Be3 Ne5 15.Nxe5 Bxe5 16.Rf1 Nf4 17.g3 Nxd3 18.Qxd3 Qe7 19.f3 f5 20.Rae1 fxe4 21.fxe4 b5 22.Qd2 Bh3 23.Rf2 Qd7 24.Ne2 bxa4 25.Bf4 Bh8 26.Nc3 Bd4 27.Be3 Bxc3 28.Qxc3 Rxe4 29.Rf4 Rae8 30.Bd2 Rxe1+ 31.Bxe1 Qe7 32.Bd2 Qe2 33.Qf3 Qxd2 34.Re4 Qc1+ 0-1

KENYA(0.5) MALTA(3.5)

After the round one humiliation Kenya scored its first draw aganaist the home country. Ken Yongo was the man who scored the points. The top two pair of Kanini and Aslam did not still play so the two reserves got their chance to play.

Wilfred Attard(0.5) Ken Yongo(0.5)

Ken Donde(0) Henry Camilleri(1)

Andriano Gounder(1) Edwin Kinyanjui(0)

Ken Oulo(0) Joseph Gauici(1)

[White "Gouder, Adriano MLT"][Black "Kinyanjui, Edwin KEN"][Result "1-0"][EventDate "1980.11.20"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be2 Nc6 7.Be3 e6 8.O-O Qc7 9.Kh1 Be7 10.f4 O-O 11.Qe1 b5 12.a3 Bb7 13.Bd3 Rfe8 14.Qg3 Bf8 15.e5 dxe5 16.Nxc6 Bxc6 17.fxe5 Nh5 18.Qg5 g6 19.Bf4 Qb7 20.Rae1 Nxf4 21.Rxf4 Rac8 22.Be4 Be7 23.Qg3 Bxe4 24.Nxe4 Rxc2 25.Qf3 Qc6 26.Rxf7 Rc1 27.Rxc1 Qxc1+ 28.Qf1 Qxb2 29.Nd6 Bxd6 30.exd6 Qxa3 31.d7 Rf8 32.Rxf8+ Qxf8 33.Qxf8+ Kxf8 34.d8=Q+ 1-0

[White "Oulo, S. KEN"][Black "Gauci, Joseph MLT"][Result "0-1"][ECO "B52"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.Bxd7+ Qxd7 5.O-O Nc6 6.c3 Nf6 7.Re1 e6 8.d4 cxd4 9.cxd4 d5 10.e5 Ng8 11.a3 Nge7 12.Ng5 h6 13.Nf3 h5 14.Ng5 Nf5 15.Be3 Be7 16.Nf3 Bd8 17.b4 Bb6 18.Qd3 Rc8 19.Nbd2 Bd8 20.Nb3 b6 21.Rec1 Nxe3 22.fxe3 O-O 23.Qb5 Nxe5 24.Qxd7 Rxc1+ 25.Nxc1 Nxd7 26.Nd3 b5 27.Rc1 Nb6 28.Kf2 Nc4 29.Rc3 Bf6 30.Nc5 Rc8 31.Nd7 Be7 32.Nde5 f6 33.Ng6 Kf7 34.Nf4 g6 35.h4 Nd6 36.Rxc8 Nxc8 37.Ne1 Nd6 38.Ned3 Nc4 39.Nc5 Bxc5 40.dxc5 Nxa3 41.Nd3 Nc4 42.Ke2 0-1


The gradual rise of Kenya in terms of points countinued in round three. Saif Kanini entered the fray to score the first win for Kenya. Adam Aslam did not play in this round but was deputised by Edwin Kinyanjui who scored the half a point.

Kanani Saif(1) Kan Wai Shui(0)

Chao Philip(1) Yongo KEN(0)

Donde KEN(0) Luk Luen Wah(1)

Camm M(0.5) Kinyanjui Edwin(0.5)

KENYA(1.5) ANGOLA(2.5)

Edwin Kinyanjui was the sole point winner for Kenya in this round with Kanini drawing. Aslam played his first game while Dode rested. Kinyanjui after the win had scored a respectable 1.5/4. Donde rested for nearly the rest of the tournament probably due to ilness.

Kanani, Saif(0.5) Fonseca de Oliveira, Mario Silas(0.5)

Adao Domingos, Agostinho(1) Adam, Aslam(0)

Kinyanjui Edwin(1) Ferreira, Rogerio(0)

Marques Alves, V(1) Oulo S. KEN(0)

[White "Kanani, Saifudin KEN"] [Result "1/2-1/2"][Date "1980.11.23"]

1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 Nc6 5.Nf3 d6 6.Bc4 e6 7.O-O Be7 8.Qe2 Nf6 9.Rd1 e5 10.h3 O-O 11.Be3 Be6 12.Bxe6 fxe6 13.Rac1 Rc8 14.b4 a6 15.b5 axb5 16.Qxb5 Qe8 17.Qb3 Qd7 18.Ng5 Nd8 19.Na4 Rc6 20.Nc5 Rxc5 21.Rxc5 h6 22.Nf3 Qe8 23.Rc7 Nxe4 24.Qb4 Nf6 25.Nxe5 Nd5 26.Rxd5 exd5 27.Rxe7 Qxe7 28.Ng6 Qf6 29.Nxf8 Kxf8 30.Qd2 Qe6 31.Qa5 Ke7 32.Bd4 g6 33.Qc7+ Qd7 34.Bf6+ Ke8 35.Bxd8 Qxd8 36.Qxb7 Qg5 37.Qb2 Qe5 38.Qd2 g5 39.Kf1 Kd7 40.Qc2 Qa1+ 41.Ke2 Qe5+ 42.Kd1 Qd4+ 43.Kc1 Qa1+ 1/2-1/2


As kenya dropped down in the Swiss system, their games were bound to get easier. Kenyas next oppoents were the kingdom of Monaco; more known for Formula One than chess. The top two scored the points for kenya.

Caruana, Marcel(0) Kanani, Saifudin(1)

Adam, Aslam(1) Negro, Roberto(0)

Girault, Eric(1) Yongo K(0)

Kinyanjui, Edwin(0) Lepine, Robert(1)

The tournament Logo

KENYA(3.5) UGANDA(0.5)

The two East African neighbours met in round six. Kenyans ran rout aganaist Uganda with only Kinyanjui dropping half a point.

Kanani Saif(1) Zabasajja, Willy(0)

Musasira O(0) Adam, Aslam(1)

Yongo K(1) Mungyereza Amos(0)

Kamuhangire Silver(0.5) Kinyanjui Edwin(0.5)


At the halfway stage the bottom teams were now battling it out at the lower boards. Kenya's next opponents Liberia, were the second in three consecutive games aganaist African countries. Kanini continued with his exraordinary perfomance in board one.

Hingary, M(0) Kanani Saif(1)

Adam, Aslam(0.5) Tawengi, Ahmed Ali(0.5)

Elmejbri, Ali Abdoullah(1) Yongo K(0)

Kinyanjui Edwin(0.5) Benohman, Abu Ali(0.5)


Saif Kanini was so far playing like a wizard. With his win in this game he took his tally to 5.5/6! in board one!! In the olympiad!!! While the Nigerians made minced meat out of the remaining kenyan players. Donde played his first game after a 3 game absence.

Omuku, Emmanuel(0) Kanani Saif(1)

Adam Aslam(0) Agusto, Obafunmilayo(1)

Faseyitan, O(1) Donde K(0)

Oulo S(0) Ayoola, O(1)


The Swiss system was throwing Kenya up ad down the board. Kenya's next opponents, BERMUDA were demolished by a resurgent Kenyan team. The top two boards had strong players thus Kanini and Aslam drew their games. The bottom two pair did not dissapoint though.

Harris, Derek(0.5) Kanani Saif(0.5)

Adam Aslam(0.5) Radford, Michael(0.5)

Dill, James(0) Yongo K(1)

Donde K (1) Tee, Joseph(0)

KENYA(1.5) MALTA 2(2.5)

Kenya faced the second malta team losing closely. The top two boards provided the points with Kanini continuing with his extraodinary perfomance; the current score 7/8.

Kanani, Saif(1) Psaila, Mario(0)

Thake, Conrad(0.5) Adam, Aslam(0.5)

Yongo K(0) Vasallo, Ray(1)

Borg, Andrew(1) Donde K(1)

KENYA(1.5) JAPAN(2.5)

The points in this round were scored by Kanini and Aslam. Kanini's score now 8/9!

Gonda, Gentaro(0) Kanani, Saif(1)

Adam, Aslam(0.5) Takemoto, Hiroshi(0.5)

Shiraki, T(1) Yongo K(0)

Kinyanjui Edwin(0) Sakurai, Takayuki(1)

KENYA(3) Papau New Guinea(1)

Saif Kanini was temporarily halted in this round only managing to draw his game same as Aslam. Boards 3 and 4 scored maximum points aganaist the Pacific Islanders.

Kanani, Saif(0.5) Whyte, B(0.5)

Hothersall, Richard(0.5) Adam Aslam(0.5)

Yongo K(1) Marko Helmut(0)

Puru, Bill(0) Kinyanjui Edwin(1)


In the penultimate round, Kanini picked up another point to take his score to an amazing 9.5/11!

Santamaria Mas(0) Vicens Kanani, Saif(1)

Adam Aslam Clua(0) Ballague, Miguel(1)

Pantebre Martinez, Jose Antonio(0.5) Yongo K(0.5)

Kinyanjui Edwin(0) De la Casa, Angel(1)


In the last round Kanini was playing the game aganaist the leading player of the tournamet, william Hook of the british Virgin Islands. Hook had 10.5 points while Kanini had 9.5 and required a win to ensure a shared top finish. He instead dropped the only point in the Olympiad but that left him second in board 1. Kenya's point were scored in board 3 and 4.

Hook, William(1) Kanani, Saif(0)

Adam, Aslam(0) Jarecki, John(1)

Georges, Elton(0) Yongo K(1)

Kinyanjui, Edwin(1) Solomon, Raymond(0)

[White "Hook, William IVB"] [Black "Kanani, Saifudin KEN"] [Result "1-0"] [Date "1980.12.06"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 c5 3.d5 Qb6 4.Nc3 d6 5.e4 Nbd7 6.Rb1 a6 7.a4 h6 8.Be3 Qb4 9.f3 Ne5 10.Bd2 Qb6 11.f4 Ng6 12.Bd3 Bg4 13.Qc1 Bd7 14.e5 dxe5 15.Bxg6 fxg6 16.fxe5 O-O-O 17.exf6 exf6 18.Nge2 Bg4 19.Be3 Bxe2 20.Kxe2 Qb4 21.Re1Bd6 22.h3 g5 23.Kf1 g4 24.hxg4 h5 25.g5 h4 26.Bf2 h3 27.gxh3 Rxh3 28.Re4 Qa5 29.Qd1 f5 30.Rh4 Rxh4 31.Bxh4 Qb4 32.Bf2 Qf4 33.Qh5 g6 34.Qh4 Qd2 35.Re1 Bf4 36.Rd1 Bxg5 37.Rxd2 Bxh4 1-0

The 1980 Olympiad was all about Saif Kanini. His acomplishments have not been equaled and may not be in our generation. Part two will look at the 1982 Olympiad.

Chess Olympiad 2010: History

The 39th Chess Olympiad will be held in Khanty Mansiysk, Russia from September 19 - October 4.

The Chess Olympiad is a biennial chess tournament in which teams from all over the world compete against each other. The event is organised by FIDE, which selects the host nation.

Birth of the Olympiad

The first Olympiad was unofficial. For the 1924 Olympics an attempt was made to include chess in the Olympic Games but this failed because of problems with distinguishing between amateur and professional players. While the 1924 Summer Olympics was taking place in Paris, the 1st
unofficial Chess Olympiad also took place in Paris. FIDE was formed on Sunday, July 20, 1924,
the closing day of the 1st unofficial Chess Olympiad. FIDE organised the first Official Olympiad in 1927 which took place in London. The Olympiads were occasionally held annually and at irregular intervals until World War II; since 1950 they have been held regularly every two years.

Growth of Chess Olympiads

There were 16 participating nations in the 1st Chess Olympiad, 1927. By the 37th Chess
Olympiad, 2006, there were 133 participating nations. The olympiad was created by a Maltese man by the name of Joseph Pisani-Rossi.


Each FIDE recognized chess association can enter a team into the Olympiad (for the UK one team for each of the four countries plus Guernsey and Jersey can enter a team separately).Each team is made of up to six players, four regular players and two reserves (changed to 4+1 in Dresden 2008).Initially each team played all other teams but as the event grew over the years this became impossible. At first team seeding took place before the competition.Later certain
drawbacks were recognized with seeding and in 1976 a Swiss tournament system was adopted.
The trophy for winning the men's team is the Hamilton-Russell Cup,which was offered by the
English magnate Frederick Hamilton-Russell as a prize for the 1st Olympiad (London 1927).

The cup is kept by the winning team until the next event, when it will be consigned to the next
winner. The trophy for the winning women's team is known as the Vera Menchik Cup the first
Women's World Chess Champion.The 2008 Olympiad was held in Dresden, Germany.The 2010 Olympiad is going to be held in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, and the 2012 Olympiad in Istanbul, Turkey . The bids for the 2014 Olympiad includes Tromso, Norway and Albena, Bulgaria.

Men's Olympiads

Year /Event /Location /Gold /Silver /Bronze
1924 1st unofficial Chess OlympiadThe Chess Olympiad (individual) Paris, France Czechoslovakia 31 Hungary 30 Switzerland 29

1926 2nd unofficial Chess OlympiadThe Team Tournament(part of FIDE summit) Budapest, Hungary Hungary 9 Yugoslavia 8 Romania 5

1927 1st Chess Olympiad London, United Kingdom Hungary 40 Denmark 38.5 England 36.5

1928 2nd Chess Olympiad The Hague, Netherlands Hungary 44 USA 39.5 Poland 37

1930 3rd Chess Olympiad Hamburg, Germany Poland 48.5 Hungary 47 Germany 44.5

1931 4th Chess Olympiad Prague, Czechoslovakia USA 48 Poland 47 Czechoslovakia 46.5

1933 5th Chess Olympiad Folkestone, United Kingdom USA 39 Czechoslovakia 37.5 Sweden 34

1935 6th Chess Olympiad Warsaw, Poland USA 54 Sweden 52.5 Poland 52

1936 3rd unofficial Chess Olympiadnon-FIDE unofficial Chess Olympiad Munich, Germany Hungary 110.5 Poland 108 Germany 106.5

1937 7th Chess Olympiad Stockholm, Sweden USA 54.5 Hungary 48.5 Poland 47

1939 8th Chess Olympiad Buenos Aires, Argentina Germany 36 Poland 35.5 Estonia 33.5

1950 9th Chess Olympiad Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia Yugoslavia 45.5 Argentina 43.5 W. Germany 40.5

1952 10th Chess Olympiad Helsinki, Finland USSR 21 Argentina 19.5 Yugoslavia 19

1954 11th Chess Olympiad Amsterdam, Netherlands USSR 34 Argentina 27 Yugoslavia 26.5

1956 12th Chess Olympiad Moscow, Soviet Union USSR 31 Yugoslavia 26.5 Hungary 26.5

1958 13th Chess Olympiad Munich, West Germany USSR 34.5 Yugoslavia 29 Argentina 25.5

1960 14th Chess Olympiad Leipzig, East Germany USSR 34 USA 29 Yugoslavia 27

1962 15th Chess Olympiad Varna, Bulgaria USSR 31.5 Yugoslavia 28 Argentina 26

1964 16th Chess Olympiad Tel Aviv, Israel USSR 36.5 Yugoslavia 32 W. Germany 30.5

1966 17th Chess Olympiad La Habana, Cuba USSR 39.5 USA 34.5 Hungary 33.5

1968 18th Chess Olympiad Lugano, Switzerland USSR 39.5 Yugoslavia 31 Bulgaria 30

1970 19th Chess Olympiad Siegen, West Germany USSR 27.5 Hungary 26.5 Yugoslavia 26

1972 20th Chess Olympiad Skopje, Yugoslavia USSR 42 Hungary 40.5 Yugoslavia 38

1974 21st Chess Olympiad Nice, France USSR 46 Yugoslavia 37.5 USA 36.5

1976 22nd Chess Olympiad * Haifa, Israel USA 37 Netherlands 36.5 England 35.5

1978 23rd Chess Olympiad Buenos Aires, Argentina Hungary 37 USSR 36 USA 35

1980 24th Chess Olympiad Valletta, Malta USSR 39 Hungary 39 USA 35

1982 25th Chess Olympiad Lucerne, Switzerland USSR 42.5 Czechoslovakia 36 USA 35

1984 26th Chess Olympiad Thessaloniki, Greece USSR 41 England 37 USA 35

1986 27th Chess Olympiad Dubai, UAE USSR 40 England 39 USA 38

1988 28th Chess Olympiad Thessaloniki, Greece USSR 40.5 England 34.5 Netherlands 34.5

1990 29th Chess Olympiad Novi Sad, Yugoslavia USSR 39 USA 35.5 England 35.5

1992 30th Chess Olympiad Manila, Philippines Russia 39 Uzbekistan 35 Armenia 34.5

1994 31st Chess Olympiad Moscow, Russia Russia 37.5 Bosnia/Herzegovina 35 Russia II 34.5

1996 32nd Chess Olympiad Yerevan, Armenia Russia 38.5 Ukraine 35 USA 34

1998 33rd Chess Olympiad Elista, Russia Russia 35.5 USA 34.5 Ukraine 32.5

2000 34th Chess Olympiad Istanbul, Turkey Russia 38 Germany 37 Ukraine 35.5

2002 35th Chess Olympiad Bled, Slovenia Russia 38.5 Hungary 37.5 Armenia 35

2004 36th Chess Olympiad Calviá, Spain Ukraine 39.5 Russia 36.5 Armenia 36.5

2006 37th Chess Olympiad Turin, Italy Armenia 36 China 34 USA 33

2008 38th Chess Olympiad Dresden, Germany Armenia 19 Israel 18 USA 17

2010 39th Chess Olympiad Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia

2012 40th Chess Olympiad Istanbul, Turkey

Nigeria Suspend Olympiad Training

The Late Nigerian President.

The Angola Chess Federation (FAX)’s secretary for marketing, António Santos, on Thursday here announced that the training programme that the Nigerian national chess team were to carry out in Angola has been postponed due to the death of that country’s president, Umaru Yar'Adua.

The Nigerian grand master Adulape Adu was also to participate in the Cuca International Tournament.António Santos revealed that the Nigerian team will actually fulfil their training programme in Angola as soon as the mourning period in Nigeria ends. Nigeria are set to participate in the Olympic tournament from September 20 to October 04, in Russia.

The former Nigerian President, Umaru Yar’Adua passed away on May 05, aged 58.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chess In Somalia

Although torn apart by more than two decades of civil war, chess is still well and kicking in Somalia. A next door neighbour to Kenya, we may find a way to play in a tournament.

Images often associated with Somalia

Somali youths will have yet another thing to pass their tough times and perhaps develop their mental capacities and promote peace as schools in Mogadishu now started to hold regular chess contests among their students, thanks to an initiative by local schools chess association.
The first of its kind, the contests which kicked off on Thursday bring together chess players from a number of schools in Mogadishu who will be competing one another for the next week.
Held in Mogadishu, the opening ceremony was attended by senior Somali government officials including the Deputy Speaker of Somali parliament Omar Dalha, head of Somalia’s Olympic Committee, Aden Haji Yeberow Wiish, and the leader of Somalia’s Chess Federation, Ahmed Abdi Hassan Wata.

Somalia Chess Federation which is a member of the International Chess Federation has organized the event for the local Mogadishu Schools Chess Association, the only schools chess organization in the war-torn country.
Sports is very much appreciated in the chaotic country where most of the facilities have either been destroyed or changed into military bases by the warring sides in the Somali civil conflict that raged for the past two decades.
“Chess is not only a sport and past time but is also a mental exercise that will definitely stimulate the young brain and we hope this will contribute to the healthy development of our young people, and promote peace in our country” Said wata, the top official of Somali Chess Federation, as he spoke during the opening ceremony of the Mogadishu Schools Chess Contest.

The Somalia chess scene

Other dignitaries who spoke at function praised the Somali Chess Federation for its initiative to organizes the chess contest and for encouraging the youth to take up the sport which many of the officials, agreed help promote peace in the war torn country.
Dozens of enthusiastic young students from different schools soon started tussling at each other as they pondered over the chess board and made their deliberate and thought of moves to checkmate their opponent.
“I have been practicing chess for the past several months for this contest and I am very hopeful that I will win over my opponent in this game,” Twelve year old Muse Ali, said as he made his move.

Parents and teachers were watching over the games anxiously and urging the students as they played the game which one of the teachers attending said would help the young not only enjoy the sport and improve their mental capacity but it will help move them away from the fighting and wars currently going in their country.
“This is what will help them divert their attention from the bad things that are going all around them and help them get along will each other,” Yasin Omar, a teacher at the contest told Xinhua.
“We hope all the schools in Somalia would take to chess and allow their students to play this very important game that will be of benefit not only to them but to society in general,” Omar added.
This is the first time but will not be the last time, promises Wata, such contest is organized for schools in Somalia where the national education system and sport have been destroyed by two decades of civil war in the Horn of African country.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Daaim Shabazz Visiting Kenya

Dr Daaim Shabazz founder of chess drum will be visiting Kenya starting on sunday. More details to follow.

World Chess Championships 2010: Anand Wins.

After playing exhaustive chess for over three decades, Viswanathan Anand has assured himself a place among all time greats as he retained the World Champion title with consummate ease against Veselin Topalov in his own den in Sofia, Bulgaria on Tuesday.

With the win Anand has accomplished something which no other chess great, not even Garry Kasparov has done.

He has asserted his supremacy in the world by winning the title in every possible format of tournament including winning the world chess title three times in a row and against various opponents including two different ones in match format.

He has won in knock-out, round-robin and two matchplay formats to give an apt answer his critics that he cant stand the test of time.

Anand now has to his credit a rare combination of the consecutive three World Champion title and four in all including the knockout format that he won in 2000.

Anand started playing chess at the age of six and won his first national title in the sub-junior tournament with a record cent per cent score of 9/9 points in 1983-84. And there was no looking back since then.

As his success juggernaut was set rolling, he was tied for second place and awarded the bronze medal in the World sub-junior Championship in 1984 and became the Asian Junior (under 19) Champion in 1983-84.

He also became the International Master at 15, the youngest Asian to achieve this distinction. He was crowned the youngest national champion at the age of 16 in 1986 and in 1987, he became the first Asian to win the World Junior Championship when it was held at Baggio city in Philippines.

It was coincidental that Anand spend some time in Philippines as a young child when his father was there.

He earned the Grandmaster title in 1987 only making two GM norms in quick time in India itself. The country had found its first son in chess. The first Grandmaster in 700 millions at that time.

The Indian chess ace, popular as 'Tiger from Madras', won the strongest tournament at that time, The "Reggio Emilia" in Italy in 1991 ahead of Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Founders Memorial Tournament Photo.

I know beer is my worst enemy but god said love your enemies!!

World Chess Championships 2010: Anand-Topalov

The roller coaster in Sofia goes on. With one game to play the score stands at 5.5-5.5. Follow the games live on the official site and susan polgars blog.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

World Chess Championships: Quotes

The Chess Ninja daily dirt blog has some really interesting comments when the World chess championships games are going on here are a few gems and more can be read on the site

1. "Shipov, Anand, those patzers, what do they know.. In any event, this endgame is extremely interesting."

2. "Danailov and Sergiev are rather letting us down when it comes to crazy, paranoid statements...."

3. Before I went to Sofia I looked at the "In Your Pocket" guide to Sofia, which has a "Guide to Bulgarian lifestyle, bars, clubs and discos". The first 7 points are: http://www.inyourpocket.com/bulgaria/sofia

>Try not to stare at women that are accompanied by their boyfriends, no matter how beautiful they are, it might be taken as an insult.
> Try to avoid conflict if you notice Bulgarian people stare at your wife/girlfriend, or at yourself, usually they will be just curious. Don’t forget some 19 years ago the majority of people didn’t even meet foreigners from beyond the ironcurtain, so you are still new and exciting. Bravo! 3. Don’t try to act overly macho, particularly in more provincial towns or cities. Unless of course you are Mike Tyson.
> When in a bar do not shout or insult the waiters or other staff members, it may be taken very deeply.
> If you feel that someone is in some way being threatening or intimidating to you, it is often best to befriend them. In many cases locals feel threatened by foreigners and try to show themselves as tough but when you act as equals and friends they will often almost immediately drop this façade.
> If however a conflict situation rises, leave immediately. Do not stay around and add on to the fire. Bulgarians are very social and family driven and under a common goal a big group of people is summoned very fast.
> Good icebreakers are compliments on the country: The food, the football, the women, the inventions created by Bulgarians such as the Cyrillic alphabet and so on. As additional benefit you might get an interesting story or two. Make them talk, they love it."
p.s. if the translation's wrong it's not my personal sense of humour - just that I don't really know Bulgarian! (but it's similar to Russian, and I'm reading a Bulgarian grammar...)

4." endgame almost round the corner. This is the way we used to play when I was 5 year old - going exchanging one after other, reducing to few pieces in about a minute."

5. "25... Kc6 Black is in a very difficult position. To tell you the truth, although the match of such players are always awaiting with big interest and enthusiasm, the strategy for this kind of matches nowadays are rather uninteresting. Players, like Anand or Topalov, or even Kramnik are trying to minimize their risk and play positions with a small plus for White and try to hold a draw in boring and slightly worse endgames."

6. If Anand does hold this game as well, Topalov has to question his strategy of war by attrition.

7. Talking of quotes - Shipov's already included Pushkin and the Communist Manifesto in his comments today :) When he mentions "the window into Europe" it's from "The Bronze Horseman", where Peter the Great stands on some marshland and imagines building St. Petersburg to open Russia to the "West".

8. Slight advantage for white, but I think Anand will draw this. They'll end up with Bishops of opposite color.

9. The first appearance of Kasparov on Shipov's commentary today is to confirm that 28. Bb4 was clearly stronger than 28. Bc3.

10. " 30.h4 Veselin tries to surround the pawn f4 preventing the move g7-g5. But this is dances on the handkerchief – the attempt to picture things which have been lost."

11. Shipov added after 36. Kd4:
"[We were more worried by the line 36.Be5 with the king going to h6. And then we found:36...Ke8 37.Kf4 Kf7!? 38.Kg5 Ba4 39.Kh6 Kg8 and if immediately 40.h5 gxh5 41.Kxh5 - the idea being to play Kg5-h6, g2-g4-g5, Be5-g7!! and g5-g6, breaking through with the king to e7. So at that point black would again switch the roles of the pieces -41...Kf7 42.Kh6 Bc2! - the king goes to g7 and there's a stand-off. Would it be possible to break the line of defence with manoeuvres and zugzwangs? A question for a more leisurely analysis...]

12. I'm following commentary by Shipov as well as S.Polgar. My minor complaint with Susan is how she always has to describe everything from her experience as well. There are times when her experience as a player and as someone who competed in world championship is valuable. Sometimes she should also realize that the game at hand is more important.

13. If "Big Momma" Polgar says its a draw then it should be draw because there is nobody as big an optimistic supporter of Topa (not even "ass-buddy" Danailov) as Momma Polgar!

14. Anand just resigned?

15. What? Anand resigned? Amazing, was he in zugzwang? I can´t believe it. The victory came unexpectedly.

16. 1-0???!!!
Really?! Is that a transmission error?

17. This is fishy!

18. Doesn't white still have work to do here in order to win. Surely...is this for real?

19. Possibly. Kasparov resigned a drawn position against Deep Blue in their 97 rematch. It happens.

20. Chessok gives the following variation:
(56... Bd7 57. Bd4 Be8 58. Bf6 Bd7 59. Bg7 Bc6 60. f4 Bd7 61. g5 Bc6 62. g6 hxg6 63. Kxg6 Bb5 64. Kf6 Bd7 65. Ke7 Bb5 66. d7 {White has a decisive advantage} - Either d pawn will queen or lose the bishop!
B-c6 was the blunder; Black should have played B-d3 instead and then later he can always defend with K-e8.
Topalov won the game based on manouevring instead of attacking style game as is his wont. What Anand will open with after the rest day for game 9 will be telling.
Clearly the momentum has shifted with today's game in Topalov's favor.

21. "Anand just resigned!! Shocking! I know that the position is bad but what is the rush to resign immediately?" -- Susan Polgar

22. Sound of the drumsBeatin' in my heartThe thunder of gunsTore me apartYou've been - Topastruck
Said yeah, it's alrightWe're doing fineYeah, it's alrightWe're doing fineSo fine
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah,Topastruck, thunderstruck, Topastruck

22. Oh come on people. Topalov levels the match and inmediately the haters start saying "it´ll be sad if he wins" and "he was lucky to win, Anand´s wins were brilliant whreas Topalov´s were random". What I saw was Topalov playing a fine endgame, pressing very hard to win, as he did yesterday when he play really well, too. If it was Anand on the white side today, people would be saying "Oh look he´s also better in technical endgames, he´s playing like Kramnik, he outplayed Topalov so badly it´s painful to watch" etc.
I´m happy the match is leveled now. We have 5 incredible games waiting for us.

23. Shipov's summary:
"And so, my worst fears have come true. The world champion no longer has the energy to keep his concentration over the course of a whole game. It started just after the opening when he made a strange oversight on his 22nd move and condemned himself to a tough defence. But then Vishy held on stubbornly and, essentially, escaped. But at that moment when he just had to make simple moves (also understandable for a master) and create an impenetrable fortress he, as they say, switched off and allowed the only possible attacking idea of his opponent. A tragedy for Anand!"

24. Of course Topalov outplayed Anand, this was slow torture. Finally, and after yesterday's considerable pressure as well, Anand cracked. If you think that putting a player, even like Anand, under such tremendous pressure for two consecutive games is not outplaying him, in preparation and over the board, then you are simply mistaken because your bias will not let you ever give credit to Topalov for anything.
I mean, come on guys. Don't be such poor sports. When Topalov makes mistakes like in games 2 and 4, it is all Anand's strategic and tactical brilliance - but when Topalov creates these incredibly interesting minefields where one has to defend precisely forever and finally pushes his opponent over the edge it's just a fluke?
This hatred for Topalov is getting boring. I never expected chess fans to become like soccer fanatics, rooting for one's team no matter what and never give ANY credit to the opponent.

25. So many of the comments here seem to say that Anand blunder was a fluke and not really the result of Topalov's play. That simply is a ridiculous opinion to hold. Topalov was applying pressure on Anand's position throughout the game. This coming from a game where Topalov as Black held the initiative was enough psychological pressure that resulted in Anand's superficial play today. If your opponent blunders, it is most likely a result of his/her feeling outplayed. Yes, Anand's wins in game 2 and especially in game 4 are very fine and aesthetically satisfying. Topalov's wins in game 1 and this 8th game are perhaps not as satisfying, but they are wins nonetheless. It's also important to understand that, from game 5, Topalov has staged a real comeback and has seemed to have solved whatever problems he was having with the Catalan, and since game 5, Anand has failed to keep pace with Topalov's resurgence. Hopefully, after the break tomorrow, Anand will find renewed energy to cope with Topalov's seizing of the initiative in this match and take the match into rapid play.

26. From game 5, Topalov has staged a real comeback...Anand has failed to keep pace with Topalov's resurgence.
Fortunately for Anand, now that Topalov has regained confidence he will start to play carelessly again, just as he did after the easy G1 win.

27. Game eight: After surviving playing black twice in a row Veselin Topalov gets the opportunity to go on the offensive in game 8. Topalov and Anand yet again play the Slav Variation Anand used successfully in games 3 and 5. Anand was the first to deviate with 13...Rc8. Topalov was the first in with a novelty, 18.a5. Anand didn't seem to play the best and got a miserable looking position, almost lost if not losing. However Topalov played oddlyand allowed Anand into a bishops of opposite colour endgame. Anand got a completely drawn position and then played 54...Bc6??? which lost almost instantly and he resigned a couple of moves later. In contrast to game 7 both players played poorly. Anand's opening was bad, Topalov didn't press very well and certainly didn't cause Anand's shocking blunder at the end. All very odd

World Chess Championships: Game 8, Topalov wins

Game 8 juat ended and anand resigns after a what seemed to be a drawn game. More comments and analysis HERE

World Chess Championships 2010: Anand-Topalov

All the games played

[Event "WCh"][Site "Sofia BUL"][Date "2010.04.24"][Round "1"][White "Topalov,V"][Black "Anand,V"][Result "1-0"][WhiteElo "2805"][BlackElo "2787"][EventDate "2010.04.24"][ECO "D86"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e4 Nxc3 6. bxc3 Bg7 7. Bc4 c58. Ne2 Nc6 9. Be3 O-O 10. O-O Na5 11. Bd3 b6 12. Qd2 e5 13. Bh6 cxd4 14.Bxg7 Kxg7 15. cxd4 exd4 16. Rac1 Qd6 17. f4 f6 18. f5 Qe5 19. Nf4 g5 20.Nh5+ Kg8 21. h4 h6 22. hxg5 hxg5 23. Rf3 Kf7 24. Nxf6 Kxf6 25. Rh3 Rg8 26.Rh6+ Kf7 27. Rh7+ Ke8 28. Rcc7 Kd8 29. Bb5 Qxe4 30. Rxc8+ 1-0

[Event "WCh"][Site "Sofia BUL"][Date "2010.04.25"][Round "2"][White "Anand,V"][Black "Topalov,V"][Result "1-0"][WhiteElo "2787"][BlackElo "2805"][EventDate "2010.04.24"][ECO "E04"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 dxc4 5. Bg2 a6 6. Ne5 c5 7. Na3 cxd4 8.Naxc4 Bc5 9. O-O O-O 10. Bd2 Nd5 11. Rc1 Nd7 12. Nd3 Ba7 13. Ba5 Qe7 14.Qb3 Rb8 15. Qa3 Qxa3 16. bxa3 N7f6 17. Nce5 Re8 18. Rc2 b6 19. Bd2 Bb7 20.Rfc1 Rbd8 21. f4 Bb8 22. a4 a5 23. Nc6 Bxc6 24. Rxc6 h5 25. R1c4 Ne3 26.Bxe3 dxe3 27. Bf3 g6 28. Rxb6 Ba7 29. Rb3 Rd4 30. Rc7 Bb8 31. Rc5 Bd6 32.Rxa5 Rc8 33. Kg2 Rc2 34. a3 Ra2 35. Nb4 Bxb4 36. axb4 Nd5 37. b5 Raxa4 38.Rxa4 Rxa4 39. Bxd5 exd5 40. b6 Ra8 41. b7 Rb8 42. Kf3 d4 43. Ke4 1-0

[Event "WCh"][Site "Sofia BUL"][Date "2010.04.27"][Round "3"][White "Topalov,V"][Black "Anand,V"][Result "1/2-1/2"][WhiteElo "2805"][BlackElo "2787"][EventDate "2010.04.24"][ECO "D17"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 dxc4 5. a4 Bf5 6. Ne5 e6 7. f3 c5 8. e4Bg6 9. Be3 cxd4 10. Qxd4 Qxd4 11. Bxd4 Nfd7 12. Nxd7 Nxd7 13. Bxc4 a6 14.Rc1 Rg8 15. h4 h6 16. Ke2 Bd6 17. h5 Bh7 18. a5 Ke7 19. Na4 f6 20. b4 Rgc821. Bc5 Bxc5 22. bxc5 Rc7 23. Nb6 Rd8 24. Nxd7 Rdxd7 25. Bd3 Bg8 26. c6 Rd627. cxb7 Rxb7 28. Rc3 Bf7 29. Ke3 Be8 30. g4 e5 31. Rhc1 Bd7 32. Rc5 Bb533. Bxb5 axb5 34. Rb1 b4 35. Rb3 Ra6 36. Kd3 Rba7 37. Rxb4 Rxa5 38. Rxa5Rxa5 39. Rb7+ Kf8 40. Ke2 Ra2+ 41. Ke3 Ra3+ 42. Kf2 Ra2+ 43. Ke3 Ra3+ 44.Kf2 Ra2+ 45. Ke3 Ra3+ 46. Kf2 1/2-1/2

[Event "WCh"][Site "Sofia BUL"][Date "2010.04.28"][Round "4"][White "Anand,V"][Black "Topalov,V"][Result "1-0"][WhiteElo "2787"][BlackElo "2805"][EventDate "2010.04.24"][ECO "E04"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 dxc4 5. Bg2 Bb4+ 6. Bd2 a5 7. Qc2 Bxd2+8. Qxd2 c6 9. a4 b5 10. Na3 Bd7 11. Ne5 Nd5 12. e4 Nb4 13. O-O O-O 14. Rfd1Be8 15. d5 Qd6 16. Ng4 Qc5 17. Ne3 N8a6 18. dxc6 bxa4 19. Naxc4 Bxc6 20.Rac1 h6 21. Nd6 Qa7 22. Ng4 Rad8 23. Nxh6+ gxh6 24. Qxh6 f6 25. e5 Bxg2 26.exf6 Rxd6 27. Rxd6 Be4 28. Rxe6 Nd3 29. Rc2 Qh7 30. f7+ Qxf7 31. Rxe4 Qf532. Re7 1-0

[Event "WCh"][Site "Sofia BUL"][Date "2010.04.30"][Round "5"][White "Topalov,V"][Black "Anand,V"][Result "1/2-1/2"][WhiteElo "2805"][BlackElo "2787"][EventDate "2010.04.24"][ECO "D17"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 dxc4 5. a4 Bf5 6. Ne5 e6 7. f3 c5 8. e4Bg6 9. Be3 cxd4 10. Qxd4 Qxd4 11. Bxd4 Nfd7 12. Nxd7 Nxd7 13. Bxc4 a6 14.Rc1 Rg8 15. h4 h5 16. Ne2 Bd6 17. Be3 Ne5 18. Nf4 Rc8 19. Bb3 Rxc1+ 20.Bxc1 Ke7 21. Ke2 Rc8 22. Bd2 f6 23. Nxg6+ Nxg6 24. g3 Ne5 25. f4 Nc6 26.Bc3 Bb4 27. Bxb4+ Nxb4 28. Rd1 Nc6 29. Rd2 g5 30. Kf2 g4 31. Rc2 Rd8 32.Ke3 Rd6 33. Rc5 Nb4 34. Rc7+ Kd8 35. Rc3 Ke7 36. e5 Rd7 37. exf6+ Kxf6 38.Ke2 Nc6 39. Ke1 Nd4 40. Bd1 a5 41. Rc5 Nf5 42. Rc3 Nd4 43. Rc5 Nf5 44. Rc31/2-1/2

[Event "WCh"][Site "Sofia BUL"][Date "2010.05.01"][Round "6"][White "Anand,V"][Black "Topalov,V"][Result "1/2-1/2"][WhiteElo "2787"][BlackElo "2805"][EventDate "2010.04.24"][ECO "E04"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 dxc4 5. Bg2 a6 6. Ne5 c5 7. Na3 cxd4 8.Naxc4 Bc5 9. O-O O-O 10. Bg5 h6 11. Bxf6 Qxf6 12. Nd3 Ba7 13. Qa4 Nc6 14.Rac1 e5 15. Bxc6 b5 16. Qc2 Qxc6 17. Ncxe5 Qe4 18. Qc6 Bb7 19. Qxe4 Bxe420. Rc2 Rfe8 21. Rfc1 f6 22. Nd7 Bf5 23. N7c5 Bb6 24. Nb7 Bd7 25. Nf4 Rab826. Nd6 Re5 27. Nc8 Ba5 28. Nd3 Re8 29. Na7 Bb6 30. Nc6 Rb7 31. Ncb4 a5 32.Nd5 a4 33. Nxb6 Rxb6 34. Nc5 Bf5 35. Rd2 Rc6 36. b4 axb3 37. axb3 b4 38.Rxd4 Rxe2 39. Rxb4 Bh3 40. Rbc4 Rd6 41. Re4 Rb2 42. Ree1 Rdd2 43. Ne4 Rd444. Nc5 Rdd2 45. Ne4 Rd3 46. Rb1 Rdxb3 47. Nd2 Rb4 48. f3 g5 49. Rxb2 Rxb250. Rd1 Kf7 51. Kf2 h5 52. Ke3 Rc2 53. Ra1 Kg6 54. Ra6 Bf5 55. Rd6 Rc3+ 56.Kf2 Rc2 57. Ke3 Rc3+ 58. Kf2 Rc2 1/2-1/2

[Event "WCh"][Site "Sofia BUL"][Date "2010.05.03"][Round "7"][White "Anand,V"][Black "Topalov,V"][Result "1/2-1/2"][WhiteElo "2787"][BlackElo "2805"][EventDate "2010.04.24"][ECO "E10"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 Bb4+ 5. Bd2 Be7 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O c6 8.Bf4 dxc4 9. Ne5 b5 10. Nxc6 Nxc6 11. Bxc6 Bd7 12. Bxa8 Qxa8 13. f3 Nd5 14.Bd2 e5 15. e4 Bh3 16. exd5 Bxf1 17. Qxf1 exd4 18. a4 Qxd5 19. axb5 Qxb5 20.Rxa7 Re8 21. Kh1 Bf8 22. Rc7 d3 23. Bc3 Bd6 24. Ra7 h6 25. Nd2 Bb4 26. Ra1Bxc3 27. bxc3 Re2 28. Rd1 Qa4 29. Ne4 Qc2 30. Rc1 Rxh2+ 31. Kg1 Rg2+ 32.Qxg2 Qxc1+ 33. Qf1 Qe3+ 34. Qf2 Qc1+ 35. Qf1 Qe3+ 36. Kg2 f5 37. Nf2 Kh738. Qb1 Qe6 39. Qb5 g5 40. g4 fxg4 41. fxg4 Kg6 42. Qb7 d2 43. Qb1+ Kg7 44.Kf1 Qe7 45. Kg2 Qe6 46. Qd1 Qe3 47. Qf3 Qe6 48. Qb7+ Kg6 49. Qb1+ Kg7 50.Qd1 Qe3 51. Qc2 Qe2 52. Qa4 Kg8 53. Qd7 Kf8 54. Qd5 Kg7 55. Kg3 Qe3+ 56.Qf3 Qe5+ 57. Kg2 Qe6 58. Qd1 1/2-1/2